Author: Joss Leufrancois

CEO of Visage & Hopward, Joss is a 15-year veteran in the recruitment industry and a passionate thought leader in optimizing talent acquisition for companies big and small. Hailing from France, but at home on his ranch in Austin, TX, he enjoys free time with his wife and son and plays polo.

4 Best AI Recruiting Tools for 2024

AI recruiting tools depicted by a robot hand pressing a holographic button signifying human resources

The explosion of AI recruiting tools on the 2024 market promises a life filled with rainbows and unicorns to overworked, underpaid recruiters scrabbling for star candidates in a tight field. But the overwhelming number of choices can lead to stage four “analysis paralysis” – or a budget broken by selecting a tech stack that doesn’t… Read more »

4 Talent Sourcing Trends to Watch in 2024

Use talent sourcing trends to ramp up your sourcing strategies: search less, hire more, stay human.

There’s good news and bad news in the world of talent acquisition. The bad news is that the talent market won’t loosen up any time soon, which means you’ll have to fight even harder to source and hire top talent. But the good news is that, if you’re aware of these four talent sourcing trends… Read more »

How To Use AI for Recruitment

Image depicts the use of AI in recruiting as a close-up of a person’s hands holding a horizontal image of the globe.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has quickly become a favorite tool in the talent acquisition professional’s toolbox, and for good reason. It’s a business innovation that has the power to streamline the entire talent acquisition cycle, and not just in ways that you’d expect. AI isn’t problem-free, but when headcounts and budgets are shrinking – and targets… Read more »

6 Talent Sourcing Strategies for 2024 & Beyond

Effective talent sourcing strategies should include AI and human expertise

Your talent sourcing strategies for 2024 and beyond should be built around resilience and adaptability, not because you can see the future, but because you can’t. Trends, data, and informed opinions provide helpful pointers, but what works for other recruiters won’t necessarily work for you – especially in a recruiting landscape that’s not short on… Read more »

Empowering Recruiters with Increased Tech Adoption

recruiter empowered by adopting technology

As Talent Acquisition becomes more complex, the availability and advantages of recruitment tools are accelerating quickly. AI and other tech solutions are becoming increasingly valuable tools for recruiters vying to remain competitive in today’s landscape. Senior leaders continue to evaluate their team’s strategies to better understand how new tech investments can help improve performance and… Read more »

Recruiting Trends to Ring in 2023

recruiters discussing active vs passive candidates

The end of the calendar year is quickly approaching, and as we prepare for the holiday season, it’s always a smart idea to reflect back on the trends we’ve seen throughout 2022. While some aspects of the workplace balanced out after 2 years of tumultuous change, new challenges and opportunities emerged. Today, we look back… Read more »

Recruitment Cycle – What It Looks Like for 2023

recruiter talking recruitment trends for 2023

The world of recruitment is always changing and evolving. What worked yesterday may not work today, and what works today may not work tomorrow. As recruiters, it’s our job to stay on top of the latest trends to be as effective as possible in attracting top talent. As the year comes to a close, it’s… Read more »

Using A Recruiting Funnel To Forecast Your Candidate Sourcing

This article on developing a strong recruiting funnel was originally published in October 2020. All relevant information and statistics have been updated as of October 2022. Everywhere you look, it seems like people are breaking down and dissecting the turbulent and challenging job market we’re currently experiencing. A surplus of open jobs on the market… Read more »

How Will Anti-Bias Regulation Laws In AI Affect Recruitment?

By Emmanuel Marboeuf, CTO of Visage Effective January 1, 2023, New York City employers will be limited in using artificial intelligence machine-learning products in hiring and promotion decisions. This is only one of many steps toward regulating artificial intelligence to mitigate bias in AI systems. Diversity and inclusion have always been core values for Visage… Read more »