Category: AI & Recruiting

The Top 16 ChatGPT Prompts Every Recruiter Should Be Using

Love it or hate it, ChatGPT is here to stay. Learning to use it proficiently, however, can make a savvy recruiter’s life much easier with efficient responses for better, highly targeted results. This generative AI assistant can enhance the entire recruitment cycle: streamlining the processes, enhancing candidate engagement, and surfacing useful insights for better hiring… Read more »

4 Best AI Recruiting Tools for 2024

AI recruiting tools depicted by a robot hand pressing a holographic button signifying human resources

The explosion of AI recruiting tools on the 2024 market promises a life filled with rainbows and unicorns to overworked, underpaid recruiters scrabbling for star candidates in a tight field. But the overwhelming number of choices can lead to stage four “analysis paralysis” – or a budget broken by selecting a tech stack that doesn’t… Read more »

How to Source for International Talent Effectively with AI

International Talent Sourcing

Joss Leufrancois, who has recruited for talent in over 22 countries as head of his own agency, and is CEO and co-founder of Visage, which sources for talent in over 60 countries, shares his take on international sourcing with AI. Watch the full live webinar plus Q&A and read a preview below.    Recruitment is… Read more »

Recruiting Ethically with ChatGPT: The Recruiter’s Guide To ChatGPT Part 5

Recruiting Ethically

While ChatGPT is a useful tool for helping streamline the recruitment process and create more engaging candidate experiences (which we explore here), using ChatGPT or any AI-powered language model in recruitment processes raises privacy and ethical concerns that organizations need to address to ensure fair and responsible usage. Here are some key ethical and privacy… Read more »

How to Train ChatGPT: The Recruiter’s Guide To ChatGPT Part 2

How to Train ChatGPT

If you’re not sure exactly what ChatGPT and how it works, you can learn more first in “What is ChatGPT and How Do I Use it? The Recruiter’s Guide To ChatGPT Part 1.” While ChatGPT comes pre-trained on a large collection of general internet text, fine-tuning the model with your company’s specific data, such as… Read more »

What is ChatGPT and How Do I Use it? The Recruiter’s Guide To ChatGPT Part 1

what is ChatGPT

The powerful AI language model ChatGPT is completely transforming the recruitment process.    As you dive into using ChatGPT or other AI tools to help streamline your daily work, there are some important things you should know about using AI and ChatGPT for recruitment. Understanding what ChatGPT is, how it works, and other key aspects… Read more »

AI Bias Laws: Shaping the Future of Recruitment

AI Bias Blog

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed numerous industries, including recruitment. However, as its adoption becomes more widespread, the need for regulation is becoming increasingly apparent. Bias in the hiring process due to AI has become a significant concern, prompting calls for legislation to regulate its use. For instance, Amazon had to abandon its AI-based recruitment solution… Read more »

AI: The Game-Changer in Recruitment

AI Recruitment Blog

The recruitment landscape is being reshaped by the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI). With the job market becoming increasingly challenging, talent acquisition leaders are leveraging AI to bring ease and efficiency into their recruitment processes. AI has been adopted widely across various sectors, with 80% of 400 HR officials expecting a significant impact on HR… Read more »