Category: Tips & Tricks

How To Create Sourcing Email Templates: A Guide for Recruiters

A woman holds a mug in front of an open laptop and creates sourcing email templates she can personalize later and send to potential candidates.

You’ve spent hours crafting your sourcing email to a target candidate, but they only take a nanosecond to consign your pride & joy to the trash – or, even worse, the spam filter.  A well-crafted sourcing email that stands out in a crowded inbox can be the difference between attracting top-tier candidates and missing out… Read more »

Use Outbound Recruitment for Shorter Hiring Times


On average, talent acquisition professionals spend nearly 1/3 of the workweek (about 13 hours) sourcing candidates for a single role.  While organizations continue looking for new and creative ways to source qualified candidates, outbound recruiting has become an increasingly popular choice in today’s tight labor market.  By shifting your recruiting strategy from reactive to proactive,… Read more »

6 Talent Sourcing Strategies for 2024 & Beyond

Effective talent sourcing strategies should include AI and human expertise

Your talent sourcing strategies for 2024 and beyond should be built around resilience and adaptability, not because you can see the future, but because you can’t. Trends, data, and informed opinions provide helpful pointers, but what works for other recruiters won’t necessarily work for you – especially in a recruiting landscape that’s not short on… Read more »

What is ChatGPT and How Do I Use it? The Recruiter’s Guide To ChatGPT Part 1

what is ChatGPT

The powerful AI language model ChatGPT is completely transforming the recruitment process.    As you dive into using ChatGPT or other AI tools to help streamline your daily work, there are some important things you should know about using AI and ChatGPT for recruitment. Understanding what ChatGPT is, how it works, and other key aspects… Read more »

10 Ways Recruiters Can Improve their Relationship with Hiring Managers

Recruiters and hiring managers share a common goal: to hire the best candidates– fast. In an ideal world, communication between both parties would be smooth sailing. But due to the high-pressure stakes that each position holds, the relationship between hiring managers and recruiters often becomes tense. What’s more, is that the candidate often suffers as… Read more »

How We’re Tackling Recruiter Burnout: Webinar and Contest

In 2022, burnout is running rampant in most, if not all, sectors of business. Between an ongoing pandemic, continued social rights issues, and the toll of an ever-changing workplace, it’s not hard to fathom people are getting burnt out. Chronic workplace stress is, unfortunately, far too common. Gallup finds nearly 8 in 10 workers experience… Read more »

Hiring At Scale: A Comprehensive Checklist

Expanding your organization can be simultaneously thrilling and intimidating, but most can agree that it is a huge privilege to be able to start hiring at scale. With rapid expansion on the horizon, hiring teams have to prepare for the incoming onslaught of internal changes and how their decisions impact their company’s trajectory. When hiring… Read more »